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Modern Living Pterosaurs

Eyewitnesses of pterosaur-like creatures are more numerous than most would guess, and many of them are Americans who have seen these featherless flying creatures in America. (And some of the creatures resemble the ropen of Papua New Guinea.)

Live Pterodactyls

Investigations (of pterosaurs, AKA “pterodactyls”) began in the 1990’s with expeditions to Papua New Guinea. After the several more expeditions (2002, 2004, 2006, and 2007) some of the cryptozoologists began following up on reports from closer to home: sightings in the United States.

Mystery Lights of Marfa, Texas

Near the town of Marfa, several times a year but only at night, strange flying objects fly just above the bushes, entertaining any humans who are lucky enough to be watching in the right direction at the right time on the right night . . .

Fish-Eating Ropens

At least one species of ropen in Papua New Guinea eats fish, at least as part of its diet. But according to [the] book about living pterosaurs, “Live Pterosaurs in America,” (second edition) some similar nocturnal flying creatures in the United States fly over rivers at night. Peter Beach, a professor of biology at a college in Washington State, suspects that at least one kind may catch Night Hawk birds or bats that fly over a section of the Yakima River.