Cryptozoology Blogs About Pterosaurs

I don’t know how many cryptozoology blogs have occasional posts on eyewitness reports of apparent living pterosaurs, but I know a few that specialize in pterosaurs. Find what may interest you on the following, with excerpts of recents posts.

Live Pterosaur

Kentucky Pterosaur

“Hi, my name is [MR] and I live at . . . Bowling Green, Kentucky. Today I opened my back door around 4:30 p.m. . . . and I noticed a large bird in the sky flying above me. I thought it seemed strange because I [saw] a tail with a spade-like end; also the wingspan was a lot larger than any bird I have ever seen around here. . . . The bird seemed to have a set destination . . . ‘cause it did not waste any time moving through the sky.

Live Pterodactyl

Pterodactyl in Singapore Around 1959

[The two pterosaurs were] circling some tall palm trees (those with small orange coloured fruits) and then helping themselves to the fruits. They were making cries which sounded like squawking in the process. They were large . . .
My sighting occurred probably between the period 1958 – 1960 thereabouts when I was still a little kid. In those days we lived in a small village which was near a densely wooded area. Of course with the general development of Singapore to a metropolitan state it is today . . .

Modern Pterosaur

Namibia, Africa, Recent Sighting

I paid attention to the wings as it would allow for identification – but this bird did not have any feathers, at least not any spread primary feathers (as eagles often show). It looked more like a large bat with distinctly brightly coloured (yellow-brown, orange?) protrusions, where birds have carpal joints (like some ‘spur-winged birds’). It showed a long, very long, slim neck . . .

 Live Pterosaurs in America

“Monkey-Bird” Pterosaur in Washington State

(Near Tacoma, WA) on many acres of mostly tree covered land . . . We have seen and heard a strange nocturnal, bat-like creature. This thing is huge, light grey, skin with no fur, feathers or scales . . . There were two of them together and they seemed fearless of me when they swooped down at me more than once and returned way up to the top of the highest trees.

The Bible and Modern Pterosaurs

Old Space Shuttles and Modern Pterosaurs

I admit, it is a stretch to connect the Space Shuttle . . . with intestigations of reports of modern living pterosaurs. . . . But there are connections, and this deserves more attention.

On February 1, 2003, the Space Shuttle Columbia broke up and was destroyed as . . . killing all astronauts aboard. The tragedy of those losses and the setback for that space program are not the subject here; it is about the survivors aboard the Columbia after it was destroyed. Yes “survivors,” for a scientific experiment involved a container of tiny worms, and those passengers did survive the crash.

It matters not that surviving worms failed to live long enough to encounter the humans who eventually recovered the worm container; the descendants of those worms did survive: Living worms were found therein. . . . more to the point, small simple organisms survive better than large complex ones.

Live Pterosaurs (Blogger)

Live Pterosaurs in New Mexico

“I live in central [New Mexico] Fourteen years ago . . . me and a close friend . . . were hiking [about noon] . . . and something blocked the sun . . . We both looked up to see . . . a large flying animal.

“. . . a 20-30 foot wingspan . . . about the same length long. It had a long tail with [a] seeming spike at the end. Its head was very pterodactyl [shaped] with a fluted back pointy head. It glided at about 700 feet . . . and [it landed] somewhere on the southern expanse of Magdalena Mountains.”

Live Pterosaur (WordPress)

Cryptozoology Books (sub-category: “Sighting in Wisconsin”)

. . . a sighting . . . in the late 1970’s or early 1980’s. I grew up on a farm and picked cucumbers . . . one late afternoon, I had just brought out the tractor . . . when I noticed a strange looking bird in the sky. . . . it looked like something straight out of the dinosaurs era. It scared the . . . out of me right away. I knew it was not a sand hill crane, which we have a few hundred migrating thru. What stood out was the long pointed head and the fact that there was a very long tail between the legs and with a ball shaped on the end of it.

Modern Pterosaurs (Blogger)

Modern Pterosaur in Australia

“In the early 1990s [in] . . . South Australia. . . . [I] drove from Perth out to Western Australia . . . set up the tent . . . and wanted to see the sun go down . . . [something] looked like an airplane, far away. . . . maybe a couple hundred feet [high]. . . . it got nearer to me . . . the wings were actually flapping gently. . . . [the creature was] a dark tan. . . . [It made] no sound. [It continued to get] closer . . . had a wingspan [of about] 15 or 20 feet. [even closer] . . . leathery . . . no feathers at all.”