Newly-Acquired Reports of Pterodactyl Sightings in the United States

By Jonathan D. Whitcomb

The following are some of the *more-recently received sighting reports of modern pterosaurs in the USA. We’ll start with two Youtube videos on the channel Protect Animal Life (PAL) and then get into two emails. At least one report seems to have been about a ropen. (*The encounters themselves may be older.)

An encounter in Hawaii

Yes they do live in Hawaii. I saw one years ago on the East Hawaii Big Island side. Three of my neighbors also did.

[“Pterodactyls Live in Hawaii – Ropens Included”]


Sighting in Canada

My roommate saw one at night in the summer in Peterborough, Ontario Canada, I think in 2016.

[“Pterodactyl Sightings – Flying Creatures NOT extinct”]


Featherless flying “reptile” in Illinois

It was the summer of 1977 and I was 17 at the time. I was fishing at a gravel pit in Heyworth, IL and the dawn had just [broken]. . . . As I stood there a creature glided down from my right to just above water level directly in front of me, no more than 50′ from where I was. . . .

I realized this was no ordinary bird but appeared more like a featherless reptile. I watched as it flew above the water and into the other leg of the pond and out of sight.


Lake Isabella in central California - where a pterodactyl was seen

Lake Isabella in California – pterodactyl or ropen sighting near here

Large flying creature in California

I was fishing for crappie April, 2020, at Lake Isabella an hour above Bakersfield Calif. I was fishing on the western side near the South fork. There are a lot of trees. . . . My dog Ember was with me. . . .

A women who had lived for sixty years at the lake was fishing beside me. We were chatting when we saw this bird? With a wingspan larger than a Conder (12-15 ft) fly in and perch on the tree I was casting my fishing line towards.

It was featherless; its head had a crest that slanted backwards and a very elongated head, very creepy. Its bat-like skin was a dark tannish color. Its tail, which I could see clearly, was straight and had a diamond shape on the end. . . .

As we were watching this strange bird, it let out a ghastly loud shrieking scream . . . the dog started shaking, rolled on her back and peed all over herself!




Pterodactyl photo Ptp

This image is actually not a photo from the American Civil War, but it does appear to be a valid photograph of a modern pterosaur.


Pterodactyl press releases

A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed reports of non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called “pterodactyls” or “flying dinosaurs,” and found how sightings relate to thirty-three states (and Washington D.C.) of the United States.


Pterosaur sightings worldwide

The total number of clear sightings of modern pterosaurs, during the 20th century, appears to be at least in the hundreds of thousands . . .


Ropen press releases

“The flying light seen one night in 2004, in Papua New Guinea, by a New Hampshire businessman, was a living pterosaur, according to the newly published book Searching for Ropens.. . .”


Flying Dinosaur Caught on Camera

Apparently this is a genuine photo of a modern pterosaur, what some call the “Civil War pterodactyl photo”, although it was actually recorded AFTER the American Civil War.


Flying ropen

Patty Carson’s sketch of the ropen she saw – Some cryptozoologists say it is related to the fiery flying serpent of the Bible.

Modern pterosaurs around the world

The American World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson reporting seeing a huge pterodactyl in a jungle clearing in New Guinea in 1944. Experts now say that it was a ropen.


Pterodactyl sightings

Jonathan Whitcomb introduces excerpts from a number of Youtube videos about modern pterosaur sightings.
