
Thank you to Eyewitnesses of Pterosaurs

Five eyewitnesses of living pterosaurs: Patty Carson, Brian Hennessy, Eskin Kuhn, Scott Norman, and Duane Hodgkinson

How much we owe to the countless eyewitnesses of these wonderful flying creatures! During the recent revision of my first book, Searching for Ropens (soon to be published in its third edition), I have been touched by the contributions of ordinary persons who have spoken out for the truth. Other persons have also made our successes possible.

Part of the Acknowledgments from the third edition of Searching for Ropens (subject to revisions and editing before publication):

Ironically, a key to successfully exploring a sparsely populated wilderness is people-skills. On a remote tropical island, in 2004, I learned how much I needed other people. I also learned the value of working in harmony with those who share some but not all of my beliefs, and I learned that concept over many years, including before and after my adventures on Umboi Island.

My father and mother, educational psychologists, inspired those around them by lifting self-esteem and bringing together coworkers and others who had thought themselves incompatible. I have tried inspiring others, though I was the one encouraged and inspired by my American associates in cryptozoology, and I’ve probably learned more from inadvertently following one or two methods used by my father and mother, techniques for bringing together divergent people, than by any conscious attempt at following my parents. How deep was their leadership! . . .

. . . Eyewitness testimonies of natives, Australians, and the American veteran Duane Hodgkinson contributed, in the early years, priceless evidence. Reports from other areas of the world later supported our strange theory of modern living pterosaurs, including reported sightings in England, Spain, the Netherlands, various parts of Africa, Singapore, the Philippines, and other countries.

I began receiving sighting reports of living pterosaurs in the United States in 2004, eventually accumulating enough that I wrote the book Live Pterosaurs in America. How great their contributions! Many American eyewitnesses risk not only ridicule in general but the respect of friends and family for simply telling the truth about what they encountered. I vow they will not have suffered in vain.

What more could we ask of the United States Marine Eskin Kuhn and the little girl Patty Carson, two eyewitnesses of “pterodactyls” at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in the middle of the twentieth century? They paid close attention to those flying creatures and later drew detailed sketches that defy any misidentification conjecture that any skeptic might throw at them. Thank you, Eskin; thank you, Patty.

The love of my wife and three daughters strengthened me to leave the comforts of home, making it possible for me to participate in a wonderful quest to bless many members of the human family with knowledge of the truth. . . .


Five eyewitnesses of living pterosaurs: Patty Carson, Brian Hennessy, Eskin Kuhn, Scott Norman, and Duane Hodgkinson

Five of the many eyewitnesses of modern living pterosaurs


Pterosaurs in North Carolina

 When I was around [ten years old] and on the way to a camp in North Carolina, I saw one soaring high in the sky. It was an amazing sight. . . . It looked like a pterodactyl!


Pterosaur Sighting

 “I suddenly saw, parallel with the water, quite a distance away, a flying object that was strange. Why? Because we knew it was quite far away, but it was as big as a regular bird would appear up close.”

Rhamphorhynchoid Tail Flange

The three “dragons” observed flying over a freeway near Griffith Park (Los Angeles, CA), in March of 2013 is an example. The eyewitness said, “their tails had  triangular points.”



Plasma or Ropens Near Marfa, Texas?

front cover for nonfiction cryptozoology book, 3rd edition

Nobody has spent more hours actively investigating Marfa Lights in the field than James Bunnell, who lives in Texas. He has accumulated much valuable data on sightings of the truly mysterious lights, the ones that are clearly not related to car headlights. He deserves far more acclaim than he has received, from the majority of those who have written about Marfa Lights. I highly recommend his book Hunting Marfa Lights.

But he is a rocket scientist, literally, not a biologist, so I do not expect him to quickly drop his hypothesis of hot plasma bubbles and jump onto the back of a large bioluminescent flying creature. “Not everybody embraces a live pterodactyl,” as I put it.

In his discussion “What is the source of Marfa Lights?” he states:

ML locations vary between events but appear to be associated with fault lines in Mitchell Flat based on triangulation and estimation of locations for 17 MLs . . .

But I was struck by the labels on two of those fault lines: Little Goat Creek Fault and Walnut Creek Fault. Notice the word “creek.”

Flying Creatures, Storm Channels, and Old Creeks

Like Mr. Bunnell, I have studied a strange phenomenon in my home state. I strongly suspect that there is no coincidence in the similarities of our findings about objects in the air. Both of us have investigated strange things that fly over old stream beds, his in Texas, mine in California.

Earlier this year, I noticed that many sightings of strange flying creatures (not likely birds, probably ropens) in Southern California have a close association with storm channels and old creek beds.

In fact, some of those sightings involve glowing creatures with large wingspans in, of all places, Los Angeles County, the home of Hollywood. Take the sighting of a couple on a walk, in 2009, in the San Fernando Valley (Sherman Oaks area) of Southern California; it has no relationship with plasma. The following is taken from the third edition of my book Live Pterosaurs in America:

“It was a very large, winged creature that was gliding maybe 100 yards above us. We stared at the creature in disbelief because it was so strange . . . it didn’t look like a bird really. . . my girlfriend has 20-20 vision and she told [me] a few minutes later that it had lights on it.”

I asked, “How was it unlike a bird?” He replied that it was bigger, was not flapping its wings . . . and its wings were deeper from leading edge to trailing edge. He estimated the wingspan at ten to fifteen feet, mentioning that his girlfriends estimate was twenty feet. The wings were more bat-like than bird-like.

Another sighting in the San Fernando Valley also involved a large glowing flying creature of the night (whether or not a ropen):

“It was late in the evening, almost dark . . . I was walking from my car to my house (Sun Valley) and something in the sky caught my eye. My girlfriend also looked up and right away said, ‘Is that a bat?’ But she wears glasses so she has trouble seeing how close objects are. What caught my eye was the bright radiation like light coming from the belly of this Pterodactyl looking animal. I seen it fly right above us maybe 150-200 feet and this thing wasn’t no bat; it was bigger with large wing span . . .”

Neither of those sightings were far from any stream bed or storm channel, although they were at least hundreds of feet away. But what about other sightings of apparent pterosaurs in Southern California, in which the flying creatures were only feet away from a storm channel, or only inches? Those extremely close associations with storm channels—that were probably once old stream beds—those are surely not by coincidence. The winged things probably hunt prey by flying through or alone them, as they look for rats or possums or other tasty snacks.

Nocturnal flying creatures that resemble pterosaurs are sometimes observed in daylight or twilight. In Southern California sightings, I see a reasonable correlation with storm channels and I believe those were once stream beds. What better place to construct a storm channel?

I suggest a similar species of winged creature—probably not any bird—flies close to stream beds in southwest Texas, for similar reasons: hunting prey. I can see how Mr. Bunnell noticed the underlying original source of the stream beds around Marfa (faults), but the stream beds themselves are surely what causes the correlation with CE-III’s, not the faults.

Reports of Apparent Pterosaurs in Texas

I long ago lost count of the eyewitness accounts, and other reports, I have seen of possible pterosaurs in Texas. I have also received many sighting reports from surrounding states, including New Mexico, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Most of the sightings are clearly of non-birds, winged creatures too big to be bats.

I suspect that most of those who have researched and investigated the more mysterious of the lights that fly over the Mitchell Flat area—those persons have no idea how many Texans have reported seeing large flying creatures at night, things with wings but which look unlike birds and bats. And many persons in the Southern states seem to have witnessed flying creatures that glow at night.

Explanation for CE-III Marfa Lights

James Bunnell has given us precise categories of Marfa Lights, including the subtype “III” of chemical-electromagnetic flying entities (which are less than 3% of the lights that could be called strange in that part of Texas). He has suggested that hot plasma can behave in complex ways, but in “What is the source of Marfa Lights?” he does not give any particular reason for splitting-separating-rejoining behavior.

The Bioluminescent Flying Predators (BFP) concept explains the precise nature of the complex behaviors of the CE-III Marfa Lights. Some of those behaviors are well explained as hunting techniques for catching the Big Brown bat, a common bat in this part of Texas. One of those methods has been explained in detail, on a number of web pages, notwithstanding few non-biologists have given it much attention.

This biological interpretation of the actively flying Marfa Lights is the simplest and best explanation for the apparent splittings, separations, and rejoinings of CE-III ML’s. The bioluminescence exhibited by the flying creatures is more active than that of other glowing creatures, but it seems to be similar to what is described in Papua New Guinea, in what we call the “ropen.”



Bioluminescent Flying Predators of Marfa

Two of the BFP’s . . . are close to each other, using the glow to attract insects that in turn could attract the Big Brown bat . . . it appears to us that a light is splitting into two lights; they were always two objects.

Marfa Lights – A Living Nightmare?

What could be worse than any nightmare? In the dead of night, you are awakened by what you fear most, glaring down at you. To humans, this monster should not even exist except in a dream. This one is real. Race out of your bedroom; it’s after you. Race out the front door; it follows. Search for a place to hide; it’s too late. You are exposed, surrounded by many monsters ready to feast. You have fallen into their trap. Your family is scattered, chased across the freezing countryside. You are alone. You are Eptesicus fuscus, a Big Brown Bat.

Marfa Lights Explanation

To paraphrase Nicola Tesla, the modern scientist needs, rather than deep thinking, clear thinking. I suggest that investigators need to recognize evidence of intelligence rather than require interpretations involving non-intelligence, regarding the CE-III mystery lights of Marfa, Texas.


front cover for nonfiction cryptozoology book, 3rd edition

Third edition of Live Pterosaurs in America by Jonathan David Whitcomb

First paragraph of the Introduction:

This book might make a few Americans uneasy to walk alone at night; my intention, however, is not to frighten but to enlighten as many readers as possible to know about live-pterosaur investigations. Those who’ve been shocked at the sight of a flying creature that “should” be extinct—those eyewitnesses, more numerous than most Americans would guess, need no longer be afraid that everyone will think them crazy, and no longer need they feel alone. Those of us who’ve listened to the American eyewitnesses, we who have interviewed them, we now believe. So, if you will, consider the experiences of these ordinary persons (I’ve interviewed most of them myself) and accept whatever enlightenment you may.


Rhamphorhynchoid Tail Flange

I’ll reveal a few details about a new sighting report, since this blog is more for eyewitnesses rather than researchers; more details will probably be forthcoming in the next few days, but let’s take a sneak preview of this encounter. It includes a reference to what I have long presented as evidence for a Rhamphorhynchoid tail in featherless flying creatures that are observed worldwide: a structure at the end of a long tail, sometimes called a “diamond.”



Sketch by the eyewitness of the flying creature seen in Lakewood, CA, in mid-2012


Another Pterosaur Sighting in Lakewood, California

The following is subject to corrections, in case I have misunderstood initial remarks by the anonymous eyewitness.

I was sitting in the backyard facing East at about 11 pm. Looking up over the riverbed [a storm channel in Lakewood, California] . . . I saw what I took as a large bird with a wing span of around 4-6 feet that had an erratic gate to its flying. I watched it fly from North to South . . .

She then saw what looked like a prey animal that was being carried by the flying creature.

This isn’t a regular sight in Lakewood and I looked on with interest [and noticed] what looked like a long tail with a barbed object at the end . . . My first impression was that maybe it was the [prey] animal [that had a long tail]. . . . but the animal in its talons [the talons of the large flying creature, the captor] was clearly not attached to the tail that protruded from its captor. . . . descriptions of a dragon [went through my mind]. . . . the tail and the way it flew [appeared] like it was too heavy. I dismissed the whole thing thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me with the silhouette of the flying animal.

I am continuing to question this eyewitness. I believe that she saw a ropen and that it was having difficulty carrying the large prey animal. I was impressed that the prey was large enough that the eyewitness at first thought the long tail was from the prey rather than from the predator. If the eyewitness is patient enough, I will get around to asking her how large the prey was, compared with the predator.

Long Tail with “Triangle” at the end

The three “dragons” observed flying over a freeway near Griffith Park (Los Angeles, CA), in March of 2013 is an example. The eyewitness said, “their tails had  triangular points.” Another eyewitness, in 1989 in Orange County, said that the “pterosaur” he saw had a long tail and “the end of its tail was triangular.” Other eyewitnesses use similar words for that tail-end structure. Take the mid-2007 sighting near California State University at Irvine (Orange County, CA). The tail was estimated at 15-16 feet long and the eyewitness said that a “triangle-shaped” structure was near the end  of that tail.   Sketch of the end of the tail, drawn by the eyewitness in Lakewood


Critic of Reports of Modern Pterosaurs With Long Tails One critic has made some strange suggestions about misidentifications. One comment he made was that a bird had a tail feather fluffed up, causing the end of the tail to look like the end of the tail of a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. We have some strong refutations to that careless conjecture. Bulges at the end of long tails, on featherless flying creatures—those have been reported often and from around the world. In addition, many of those reports include other descriptions that pull the flying creatures out of any reasonable misidentification of any bird. For example, the ropen seen flying over Lake Pung, Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea, around early 1994 or late 1993, had a “diamond” at the end of the tail. This was not some blunder by seven native boys, some misidentification of some bird, for the tail was estimated at seven meters long, well over twenty feet. And why would eyewitnesses from around the world send me emails, many of the reports including reference to some structure at the end of a long tail? No. Let’s be realistic. When people from around the world report Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur tail flanges, the existence of a living “basal” pterosaur must be considered, regardless of how long Westerner scientists have depended on the universal-extinction axiom for those flying creatures.



Marfa Lights in Texas

Remember your worst nightmare? Were you glad to wake up? Be grateful. In the early morning hours of February 23, 2010, a few miles or so southwest of Marfa, Texas, the victims were terrified by what awakened them. I am not the eyewitness, but a few days after this event, I interviewed my friend James, who had been driving through Southern Texas; he had stopped at the Marfa Lights viewing platform to see whatever he could.

. Jonathan Whitcomb, pterosaur expert

I agree, at least somewhat, with the critics’ idea that I am not a pterosaur fossil expert; compared with a typical paleontologist (I am neither typical anything nor a paleontologist), I am not an expert on fossils. . . . [but] . . .
