Critics of Living Pterosaurs Investigations

silhouette page of 34 images of bats, birds, and pterosaurs, used by Guessman and Woetzel on their 2004 expedition on Umboi Island

By the modern-pterosaur cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb

Earlier in July of 2018, I noticed a long critical comment on the Youtube video “Ropen pterodactyl American eyewitness.” Before I reply to parts of that comment, let me make clear the following: I have no desire to imply any dishonesty or evil intention on his part, and he does not appear to have any such opinion of me. He included the following, near the end:

“Mr Whitcomb if you are reading this, this is not a hate comment on you. You may be a very good person and everyone is aloud [sic] to believe whatever they want, but because you have some very heavy bias and very questionable evidence to back up your claims on the existence of this creature. . .”

Here are three things related to the skeptic’s overall comment, which is too long to quote completely here:

  1. It had many errors, some obvious but others that could lead some readers away from the truth
  2. It was much too long to adequately address well on that Youtube page
  3. It was so likely to mislead people, in so many ways, that I deleted it from that Youtube page

I also felt, however, that those visiting this Youtube page should know what criticisms have been made against living-pterosaur investigations, so I added two comments related to what was deleted (not quoted here).

Problem #1 with the criticism

“The critic said, “. . .  bioluminecents [sic] has never been seen in anything other than marine animals.”

This may be the most obvious error. Many marine organisms are bioluminescent, of course, yet we have the firefly and the glow worm, which also have bioluminescence but are obviously not living in any ocean. The Youtube video does not cover any concepts about bioluminescence in modern pterosaurs, so perhaps this critic has read something else or saw something about it in one of the comments.

This careless statement about bioluminescence might suggests the critic may be careless or less informed in other ways, so let’s look into other declarations he has made, yet we should keep an open mind about his other words.

Problem #2 with the criticism

At the beginning, he made another statement related to bioluminescence: “glow in the dark pterosaur.” I’ll take that to mean he has seen something other than this Youtube video, perhaps one of my online writings or something by a critic of my work or of that of one of my associates. Unfortunately, he gives no details. Let’s look at the second problem:

“. . . all the eyewitnesses describe outdated and inaccurate reconstructions of pterosaurs.”

This appears to me to be a greatly flawed statement, with not even one eyewitness description given. Notice the following that he does mention:

  1. skinny and leathery
  2. pointed wing tips
  3. walk on two legs

I have examined hundreds of eyewitness reports over the past fifteen years, interviewing eyewitnesses from around the world and receiving first-hand accounts from five continents. Perhaps few persons, if any, have been given more first-hand reports of sightings of apparent pterosaurs than I have. I believe I’ve written more books on this subject than any other nonfiction author in history. I daresay no other scientist has written more scientific papers about this than I have, especially if you count the comments that I have made about others’ papers on this. The point is this: Of those hundreds of eyewitness reports, I doubt that even one of them has all three of the points made by this critic. Perhaps there may be one that has (my memory is not perfect), but where did the critic get those ideas? Did they just pop into his imagination or did he read some criticism that another person published online?

Some eyewitnesses describe a flying creature with a word or two that relates to “skinny,” but why should any modern pterosaur be fat? The critic gives no details on why he believes as he does.

Many sighting reports include the word “leathery” (or “leather”), although it’s probably well below 50% of the overall reports. What’s wrong with that word? I suspect the critic has been overly influenced by one or more other critics who have grossly misunderstood the implications of the word. I see not the slightest reason why eyewitnesses should not use the word “leathery” when they have seen an actual modern pterosaur.

Since the critic gives no details about why he makes such broad statements about eyewitness reports, I dismiss this part of his statement and move on.

Problem #3 with the criticism

” . . . the long tail of Rhamphorhynchus, and one eyewitness described it to be Sordes, and all of these pterosaurs were very famous.”

I’ll stick to the subject of modern sightings of flying creatures that may relate, in some way, to fossils of the Sordes pilosus, for that is a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. Where in the world does this critic get the idea that this kind of pterosaur has been “very famous?” Mention “Sordes” to fifty persons you meet walking the streets of any town or city in the United States, and you’ll likely find that not even one of them knows that it refers to any flying creature, let alone to a pterosaur. Let’s look deeper.

To the best of my knowledge, the best-known reports of a possible living pterosaur that related to the shape of a Sordes are of the sightings by Jonah Jim and Jonathan Ragu, both of whom are natives of Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea. Those two sightings were at different times and different places on that tropical island. From my experience interviewing natives of Umboi, neither of those two natives likely had any knowledge of the Sordes before they were shown dozens of silhouette images of birds, bats, and pterosaurs, in the year 2004. That was a few weeks after my expedition there, when two other Americans interviewed native eyewitnesses. Both natives independently chose the Sordes pilosus silhouette as being most like the shape of the “ropen” that they observed.

In other words, I see no truth to the statement that the Sordes pilosus has ever been “famous.”

Problem #4 with the criticism

“One of the biggest problems is the long tail in the ropen. It would create a lot of drag while it is flying and waste a ton of energy.”

I’ve noticed many serious faults with the critical comment that was posted on the Youtube page. Since the above portion includes “one of the biggest problems,” I tackle it. “Waste a ton of energy” does not appear to be a scientific statement. How would such drag take place? How would this critic explain the many fossils that have been discovered of pterosaurs with long tails? The critic gives no details.

I suggest he try to be open minded and look at what eyewitness actually say and what scientists actually say, about these wonderful flying creatures.



Non-extinct pterosaurs

The following two eyewitness reports may have limited relevance to strange missing-persons cases in North America, yet the potential danger of attacks from related flying creatures makes them worthy of note.


Glowing pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea

A physicist, who examined video footage of two strange lights that explorers think are bioluminescent pterosaurs, declares that the glow is not from meteors, lanterns, campfires or an airplane.


Critics of living pterosaurs

“A short account of a particular incident”—that is one definition of “anecdote.” But the connotation includes more than “short,” for “anecdote” is the word more appropriate when an event is witnessed by only one or a few and the report is second hand at best. Regarding eyewitness accounts of living pterosaurs, I have found that “anecdote” has been eliminated as a valid word for some of the reports.


Extinction Prevention

Today, one in eight of the world’s 10,000 bird species are threatened with extinction, of which more than 200 are categorised as Critically Endangered


Science and modern pterosaurs

A number of scientists have tried to know and understand Marfa Lights: observing, testing photographing, and theorizing. Interesting ideas have emerged; none but one, however, seems to come close to adequately explaining the apparent intellegence associated with those flying lights, the mystery lights of Marfa, Texas: a modern pterosaur.


Modern pterosaurs and Jonathan Whitcomb

Why would a young man in Sudan, Africa, who had recently gained his first access to a computer, send an email to the American Jonathan Whitcomb? . . .


Marfa Lights and flying creatures

The more I examine evidences gathered by a scientist, the more obvious it becomes to me: Many of the mysterious lights around Marfa, Texas, are the bioluminescent glow of flying predators, perhaps related to the nocturnal ropen of Papua New Guinea.

“Pterodactyl” in Arkansas


Over the years, I’ve gotten several pterosaur sighting reports from the state of Arkansas. I recently got another report from Arkansas, except this is a “hearing” rather than a sighting:

My friends and I have a nice spot on the Mulberry river where we like to go camping. After one camping trip was over and most of us went home, . . . [two] decided to stay and enjoy one more night . . .

They were sleeping in the back of the SUV when they were woke up by what they described as the sound of a pig squealing. . . . then the sound came toward them and went right over the SUV. They discussed it  and decided it must have been an owl carrying off a piglet.

I replied with my opinion about what they heard overhead that night and about the possibility the predator was what many Americans call a pterodactyl:

I agree in the possibility that it was a large owl taking away a piglet, but there may be an issue with that interpretation. For those unaware of modern pterosaurs, that idea may appear to be the best explanation. But I daresay piglets are rarely carried off by owls in the middle of the night. Most pigs (wild or domesticated) are too big for any owl to handle. Those are not the usual prey for such birds. A particular ropen, however, may have developed a method for catching pigs in that area. That would seem a better explanation to me. [opinion of Jonathan Whitcomb]

Here’s an even more recent encounter, but this one was a sighting (slightly edited for English):

. . . So for the first time I’ll tell my weird story. In the summer of 2012 my husband was working . . . for *Buffalo River National Park, Arkansas . . .I was living in Georgia with our infant son but was really missing my husband so we arranged a visit getting a two week rental of a mountain cabin near the park in late August. . . . every morning I’d drink my coffee out [on the deck of the cabin] while the baby was next to me in his play pen.

One morning . . . I looked up. Silently flying was a pterodactyl right over us, lowering in circles without flapping; it was featherless, long beaked, crested, and [had] a tail with something on the end of it. It was still very high but I screamed and ran inside. It was hard to judge its size, but I’m guessing 10-15’ in wingspan.

From the window, I watched it fly as it turned to a tiny speck disappearing over the mountains. I had no phone signal, and the nearest houses were five miles down the road. I just sat shaking holding my baby for a long time. . . .  I know what I saw, and it scared me into silence for five and a half years. [This was reported, in February of 2018 by the eyewitness, to Jonathan Whitcomb (who concluded that the flying creature was a large ropen).]

*The more common form of the name is Buffalo National River.



Eyewitnesses Report Living Pterosaurs

“It was probably 1982 when me and my older brother were sitting in our carport [in Texarkana, Arkansas] It was getting dark but there was plenty of light in the sky when we saw what we believe to be a pterodactyle [pterosaur]. The wingspan seemed to be about 25’ to 30’ ft wide . . .”

Ropen-pterosaur of Umboi

Seven boys were terrified, in about 1994, as they saw the ropen fly over a crater lake. On the remote island of Umboi, in Papua New Guinea, the boys climbed up to Lake Pung, just north of their village. Within just a few minutes, they saw the giant creature fly over the water. The boys ran home in terror and the memory of that fear lasted for years.

New book by Jonathan Whitcomb

It [the nonfiction book being written] will include a simple explanation of the “Evolutionary Boundary” experiment and an introduction to living-pterosaur investigations.

Live Pterosaurs in America

The following publications have more than just a few comments or just one chapter about reports of apparent extant pterosaurs in our modern day.


Un pterosaurio en Cuba

sketch, by eyewitness, of the Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur of eastern Cuba

Por Jonathan Whitcomb, un experto en pterosaurios vivos

Gracias a Gladys Whitcomb por verificar la traducción


¿Alguna vez viste un pterosaurio? Muchas personas han visto estas criaturas voladoras. Sobre todo vuelan de noche, y viven en muchos lugares del mundo. Algunos de esos lugares están en los siguientes países:

  • Canadá
  • Los Estados Unidos
  • Méjico
  • Cuba

Dos estadounidenses han visto un pterosaurio vivo en Cuba: Patty Carson y Eskin Kuhn.

Two eyewitnesses of living pterosaurs

Los niños vieron un animal extraño en 1965

Unos pocos niños vieron un pterosaurio vivo en la Bahía de Guantánamo, Cuba. La cabeza del “dinosaurio” surgió de la hierba alta. El animal miró a su alrededor y se fue volando. Patty Carson, en 1965, fue una de los niños que vieron volar al pterosaurio.

Aquí está parte de lo que ella informó muchos años después:

Estábamos caminando cerca de los astilleros, yendo a casa. Vivíamos al final de la calle, en la última casa, junto a la torre de radio. stábamos caminando . . . donde era arenoso . . . [había] vegetación de matorral escasa alrededor de cuatro pies de altura.

De repente se sentó, como si hubiera estado comiendo algo o descansando. [Su cabeza podría ser vista.] Era . . . a unos nueve metros de distancia. Todos nosotros [niños] no nos movimos durante unos cinco segundos, luego el animal se inclinó hacia la izquierda y se fue volando, con mucha prisa.

Tenía una cola y tenía un extremo en forma de diamante [de la cola]. La piel era coriácea, un color rojo marrón. Tenía dientes pequeños, MUCHOS de ellos.

Nos fuimos a casa y estaba emocionado de decirle a mi familia que había visto un dinosaurio. [No me creyeron] y comenzaron a decirme que era un pelícano o ave Fragata. [Pero estaba pensando] ¡NINGUNA MANERA! Era tan alto como un hombre cuando estaba parado. . . . Sabía que era un pterodáctilo.

En los últimos años, Patty dibujó un boceto del pterodáctilo:

sketch, by eyewitness, of the Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur of eastern Cuba

El pterosaurio Patty Carson vio cuando era niña


Un soldado vio dos pterodáctilos en 1971

Eskin Kuhn era un infante de marina de los Estados Unidos en la Bahía de Guantánamo, Cuba, cuando vio dos pterosaurios a plena luz del día. Unos minutos después de su avistamiento, dibujó un boceto de las dos criaturas voladoras.

sketch of the two pterosaurs observed by Eskin Kuhn in Cuba

Dos pterodáctilos en Cuba


Comunicarse con Whitcomb

Street address of Whitcomb in the USA

Gracias por su atención.



Eyewitnesses of Living Pterosaurs

Evelyn Cheesman (1882-1969), as an educated British biologist, explored on islands in the southwest Pacific early in the 20th century. Thanks to the British cryptozoology researcher Richard Muirhead, we know about how some of Cheesman’s observations relate to reports of possible living pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea.


Pterosaur sighting in California

[In 2007]  the young cryptozoologist Scott T. Norman had a sighting of an apparent Pteranodon in Central California. . . . At least 8-10 feet in wingspan.


Ark of the Bible and modern pterosaurs

Late on the night of January 16, 2018, (9:00-11:45 p.m. Pacific time) I, Jonathan Whitcomb, was interviewed by Dave Scott on Spaced Out Radio (online radio broadcasting from British Columbia, Canada).


Pterodactyls in North Carolina (pterodáctilo)

This answers some of what is found in two newspaper articles published online, both of which reported, in mid-January of 2018, sightings of apparent living pterosaurs . . .


Whitcomb y pterosaurios

En las palabras de Jonathan Whitcomb: . . . En 2004, viajé de los Estados Unidos a Papúa Nueva Guinea. Encontré a un intérprete en la ciudad de Lae. Mí y mi intérprete viajó, por buque, a la Isla de Umboi. . . .


Photographie d’un ptérosaure moderne

Deux photos sont similaires. Un seul est une blague.