
The Best of Pterosaur Eyewitness

Having just passed the one-year anniversary of Pterosaur Eyewitness, we can consider the best posts of the past twelve months. I hope that the next year will see more comments from readers.

Who Sees a Pterosaur

A brief look at eyewitnesses of living pterosaurs

Consider Papua New Guinea. For Umboi Island, eyewitnesses have included an Australian who served in a government position there, a native government leader, many common villagers, and a visiting cryptozoogist. For other areas of P.N.G. [Papua New Guinea], they have included an Australian psychologist, American expedition members of a television true-life adventure series, an American World War II soldier, a British entomoligist (biologist), missionaries, a non-missionary visiting a mission, many common villagers, a minister, and a visiting cryptozoologist.


Living Nightmare: Attack in the Dead of Winter

A strange interpretation of the Marfa Lights of Texas (this is speculative)

Remember your worst nightmare? Were you glad to wake up? Be grateful. In the early morning hours of February 23, 2010, a few miles or so southwest of Marfa, Texas, the victims were terrified by what awakened them. I am not the eyewitness, but a few days after this event, I interviewed my friend James, who had been driving through Southern Texas . . .

James did not actually see the carnage. In fact, the attack I am about to describe might be only in my imagination . . .  my friend saw only strange lights, flying above the fields where countless spectators, for many years,  have observed the dancing Marfa Lights. But this night was different.

What could be worse than any nightmare? In the dead of night, you are awakened by what you fear most, glaring down at you. To humans, this monster should not even exist except in a dream. This one is real. Race out of your bedroom; it’s after you. Race out the front door; it follows. Search for a place to hide; it’s too late. You are exposed, surrounded by many monsters ready to feast. You have fallen into their trap. Your family is scattered, chased across the freezing countryside. You are alone. You are Eptesicus fuscus, a Big Brown Bat.


Duane Hodgkinson, “Pterodactyl” Eyewitness

Brief background on the World War II veteran

Like most American soldiers who began serving in World War II, Duane was hardly more than a boy. But he had been [on a farm] in his teenaged years in Ohio. His experience with the animals and farm yard probably helped him to have a feel for distance and size in the outdoors. . . . a weather observer for the field artillery in 1944 . . . Duane was trusted with that assignment. When he and his army buddy saw something fly up into the air, on the other side of the field where they stood, they could not very easily make any big mistake in estimating the size of the field: about 100 feet across. With no obstruction, Duane was able to make an estimate of the size of the strange creature that flew up and out of the field: The wingspan was about that of a small private airplane. Sometime after his military service, Duane was able to obtain a Piper Tri-Pacer and he later compared the wingspan of the “pterodactyl” with that plane’s wingpan; it was similar [a little less than thirty feet].


Problems With a Bat Interpretation

Includes a brief excerpt from a scientific paper in a peer-reviewed journal of science

[Critics have suggested that sightings] were of the fruit bat called the “flying fox” . . . But that bat has a maximum wingspan of 6 ft, and the best sightings that we have investigated include wingspan estimates that range from “at least 2 m, probably more” (Hennessy) to “30 and 50 ft” (Perth couple). The bat has almost no tail, unlike the reported tail of “at least 10–15 ft” (Hodgkinson) or “7 m” (G. Koro). It has no head crest, nor does it glow at night.


South Carolina Sighting

Long-tailed pterosaur seen by Susan Wooten

A number of other web pages include parts of Susan Wooten’s testimony of what she observed flying over the highway in South Carolina years ago. It’s important to consider related eyewitness accounts, for some critics have sought to simply dismiss this account as if it were an anomaly. But many Americans have reported similar creatures . . .


Bulverism and Pterosaur Sightings

Reasoning or lack thereof, regarding eyewitness testimonies

Some time ago, the respected cryptozoologist Loren Coleman wrote a blog page about my investigations of reports of apparent living pterosaurs in the United States. Comments poured in, mostly negative towards the possibility that eyewitnesses were seeing actual pterosaurs. Coleman himself ran off topic, with several paragraphs about John C. Whitcomb’s book (I am not closely related to that author . . .)


Pterosaurs in Kansas and Arkansas

From the nonfiction book Live Pterosaurs in America

It was probably 1982 when me and my older brother were sitting in our carport [in Texarkana, Arkansas] It was getting dark but there was plenty of light in the sky when we saw what we believe to be a pterodactyle [pterosaur]. The wingspan seemed to be about 25’ to 30’ ft wide . . .


Flying Under the Radar in Marfa, Texas

Nocturnal flying predators, maybe even pterosaurs, in Texas

What is the best hiding place for what may be living pterosaurs near Marfa? It’s probably not the caves that are said to be scattered around the old volcanic landscape, nor the suspicions of ranchers who don’t like trespassers, nor the dark of night, nor low flights of the predators. What best hides possible pterosaurs near Marfa is Western dogma about dinosaurs and pterosaurs becoming extinct millions of years ago: universal extinction dogma.


Bioluminescent Pterosaurs in America

Sightings of strange flying creatures at night, glowing creatures in North America

Glowing “pterodactyls?” In North America? Non-extinct? What could be more strange? Before dismissing the idea, consider some eyewitness sightings in North America, in light of reports of glowing pterosaurs in the southwest Pacific.


Biological Marfa Lights

Reasons for considering Marfa Lights are from living organisms

While reading Hunting Marfa Lights (for the second time, it’s a great book), I was struck by an account of a flying “ML” (mystery light) that Mr. Bunnell witnessed in November of 2002. The light was flying where there was no road, and fast enough that it could not have been any vehicle off-road. He noticed that the light went out two or three times, remaining off for a few seconds at a time. What caught my attention was Bunnell’s impression (on page 67) of the reappearance of the light: It “would begin with a brilliant flash of light as if the ML was somehow recharged while in an off state.”

More Light on Marfa Lights

Perhaps the greatest controversy relates to this question: “What are Marfa Lights?*” How one answers that question relates to another: “Are all mysterious lights around Marfa caused by the same thing?” Once a person admits that meteors, train lights, and car headlights all may appear mysterious under certain conditions, then that person may come to accept the possibility that some lights may be from an unusual source, not necessarily best explained by reference to common sources.

On one page* of the official site for the cryptozoology book Live Pterosaurs in America (second edition) we read:

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that  a controversay has been flying around concerning  the meaning of Marfa Lights. Are all strange lights in  the vicinity of Marfa, Texas, car headlights from that  one highway southwest of the viewing platform? Mr.  James Bunnell is a rocket scientist, having worked  on all the Apollo space missions that put men on the  moon; he has searched and researched, for years,  on this subject, for he’s lived in that part of Texas.  His book “Hunting Marfa Lights” makes it clear that  many flying lights south of the viewing platform are very different, bearing no resemblence to even the  most distorted night-mirage of car headlights.

After reading the book Hunting Marfa Lights, it becomes obvious that some lights around Marfa are not at all like common lights. Something strange is happening around Marfa, Texas. So the first point to consider is critical: Scientific investigation has demonstrated a particular kind of light that appears (several times each year) near Marfa, and this particular light is not a night mirage of car headlights or any other commonly explained phenomenon.

How do those Texas Marfa Lights relate to the concept of modern living pterosaurs? In Texas, eyewitnesses of living pterosaurs make it clear that we need to keep an open mind about strange lights in Texas being related to strange lights in Papua New Guinea, for the southwest Pacific, like southwest Texas, has evidence for living pterosaurs through eyewitnesses.

Texas Flying Creature

Eyewitnesses of a strange flying creature in Texas–they describe something like a pterosaur, although a common word for that “flying dinosaur” is “pterodactyl.” The subject now is those kinds of flying creatures, not the “Thunder Bird” with feathers or other large birds whose feathers make them birds; we now consider the ancient featherless “dinosaur birds” that have been portrayed as “ancient.”

Some of the creatures may be related to the Marfa Lights or even be the bioluminescent flying predators that have recently been conjectured to cause those ghost lights in southwest Texas. In Papua New Guinea, the ropen light is said to be the glow of a giant flying creature, and several American cryptozoologists have explored the remote tropical rain forests, searching for the elusive nocturnal creature. Some of the eyewitnesses interviewed described an enormous winged creature, glowing as it flies.

Recent analysis of eyewitness data (eyewitness testimonies of apparent living pterosaurs in the United States) reveals many interesting things. California and Texas account for many of the sightings. This may be from a combination of large human populations and large areas of land in which the flying creatures can live.

Brownsville, Texas, 1995

In the open backyard next door was what looked like a . . . tall man . . . [He] turned and I realized that this man didn’t have a face like a man at all!  I froze in fear trying to figure out what I was staring at. . . . I watched . . . black leathery . . .  bat-like wings [unwrapped] . . . I was so scared . . . [it] stared right at me with its large black eyes and walked closer to me (it had been about 40 ft away maybe) . . . it turned its head . . . I realized the shape of its head . . . it somehow looked like a pterodactyl.   . . . it turned its head back to me . . . the thing appeared to just lift off the ground . . . gliding . . . I ran into my house and slammed the sliding glass door behind me . . . [The girl was terrified.]


From readers of first edition of non-fiction book Live Pterosaurs in America (note that the image below is of the new revised and expanded second edition of the cryptozoology book):

non-fiction cryptozoology book titled Live Pterosaurs in America“[The] new book arrived today! . . . a wonderful job!!! . . . more sightings than they can dispute (21 states!!!) . . . a descriptive and engaging ongoing investigation . . .” Susan Wooten, South Carolina.

“This seems to be the author’s second book on the subject, and this one is worth the effort. He has focused on the accounts of witnesses who saw something, and that adds credibility. The writing is easy to read and he adds comments and analysis . . . more useful. . . .” Red Rabbit, Cleveland, Ohio. [Five stars for the first edition]

“The problem with science is that we think we know it all and that is far from reality. This book shows courage to continue the search. If you have an interest in cryptozoology you should read this.” Dale Reeder, PA.


back cover of the second edition of the book "Live Pterosaurs in America"This nonfiction book, in pure cryptozoology genre, gives you detailed eyewitness descriptions about these strange flying creatures in Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, and many other states. This book was not written simply to thrill readers with the eyewitness sighting reports. The subject of living dinosaurs and pterosaurs may be a tool to assist some teenagers to overcome boredom. The investigations of modern living-pterosaur reports has inspired one teenager from Oregon to write his own nonfiction book and a twelve-year-old in Florida to interview an eyewitness.

146 pages, extensive appendix and index for researchers

Careful detailed analysis by the world’s most prolific writer on worldwide sighting reports of modern living pterosaurs: Jonathan Whitcomb.