More Videos on Modern Pterosaurs


by Jonathan David Whitcomb

The number-one Youtube channel on modern “pterodactyls” appears to be Protect Animal Life (PAL), and the following is but a small sampling of its videos on these astonishing flying creatures:

Bizarre Pterodactyl Sightings

In this 5½-minute video ten sightings are covered: five in the United States and five in Papua New Guinea.

sketch of one of the two "pterodactyls" seen in Cuba in 1971

  1. Pterosaur encounter in Antwerp, Ohio
  2. Sighting east of Buffalo, New York
  3. Police officer sees “prehistoric” flying creature in Massena, NY
  4. Two men see a huge flying creature in Long Island, New York
  5. Susan Wooten encounters a gigantic pterodactyl in South Carolina
  6. Sighting of a huge ropen flying over Lake Pung on Umboi Island
  7. Sighting by Duane Hodgkinson in 1944 in New Guinea
  8. Rex Yapi sees the tail of an enormous ropen near Umboi Island
  9. Ropen sighting by Jonah Jim on Umboi Island, PNG
  10. Sighting by Brian Hennessy in 1971: Bougainville Island, New Guinea


California Desert Flying Creature

This covers a sighting two persons had in the Anza-Borrego desert in Southern California in about 1991.

pterodactyl head in a California desert with "Get out before dark"

The two persons were relaxing on lawn chairs in a remote desert when they noticed a big flying creature in the distance. At first, they assumed it was not unusual, but as they continued watching it they became astonished. It was clearly larger than an eagle and looked much more like a “pterodactyl”.


Wild Animals in Pennsylvania – like pterodactyls

Several sighting reports are included.

black ropen-pterodactyl diving toward horse-and-buggy




The Girl who saw a Pterodactyl

One critic might dismiss the report by Patty Carson, saying it was just the imagination of a small girl. But why would that US Marine see two flying creatures that were so similar to the one seen by that child? Keep in mind that both reports come from Guantanamo Bay, and the sightings were only six years apart.


Popular Videos on Modern Pterodactyls

Three Youtube videos are featured:

  1. Pterosaur Sightings in 2020
  2. Pterodactyl Attack
  3. Pterosaur Sightings in South Carolina


Are flying dinosaurs alive?

Do you believe in the possibility that long-tailed featherless flying creatures, much larger than any fruit bat, live in the jungles of Papua New Guinea?


Modern pterosaurs

Two days ago I uploaded a video to Youtube: “Living Pterosaurs – in newspapers,” an introduction to some newspaper articles published over the years, one of them being back in the late 1800’s. Part of this mini-documentary explains part of why such news coverage is rare in the United States: Average readers assume that all “pterodactyls” became extinct long ago, and any reported sighting of a living one should be a mistake.


Pterodactyl alive

In 1897, an eight year old girl, Virginia O’Hanlon, wrote a letter to the editor of a big newspaper in New York, asking if Santa Claus was real. The response has since become the most famous editorial of all time: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” I now apply that kind of positive journalistic response to what some persons have asked me over the past fifteen years. The question is in this general form: “Did I see a pterosaur?”


Are pterosaurs extinct?

Not all of them are extinct.


Attack from a pterodactyl

She charged over to the misguided soul who was irritating her. As soon as she got close, she realized her mistake. It was not one of the boys, but it was her worst nightmare, a devil bird. She realized she was attacking what she feared the most. . . .
