A New Name: Kor


I have been communicating, by email, with a man who was born on Manus Island (northern Papua New Guinea). How thrilling it was to learn a new local name for the ropen! “Kor” they call the nocturnal glowing creature that flies over the sea, catching fish.

It seems to be at least closely related to pterosaur-like creatures in other areas of Papua New Guinea. Names include seklo-bali, duwas, indava, wawanar, and of course ropen. Among these, the only one that I do not yet have much information about is “wawanar;” all I was told (by a native sailor who is from Pilio Island and knows the legend) was that the wawanar is the dragon who owns the land and the sea.

Like other nocturnal glowing flying creatures in Papua New Guinea, the kor may be related to the Marfa Lights of Texas. It may also be related to the lights seen by the British biologist Evelyn Cheesman, on the mainland of New Guinea, in the 1930’s.


Mount Dandenong, Australia, Sighting


I received an email late in 2009, from M. H. (anonymous).

“I live in Australia in the state of Victoria near the Dandenong Ranges about 25 [kilometers] east of Melbourne. . . . around the late 1990’s . . . I saw was what I first thought was a pelican flying about 3000 feet high but realised pelicans at that height did not look as large as this . . . [it was about 9 p.m.] It was full moon . . . It was something flying that appeared to be at the height of light planes that fly around here . . . This thing was at least as large as . . . say a Cesna. . . . lazily flapping it’s wings . . . It appeared to be lit up by the moonlight and shining as if it had no feathers. Very strange . . . I had it under observation for about 5 mins . . .”

In Australia, this man is not alone, witnessing what our Western culture implies is impossible. I have communicated with several other Australians, over the past six years, and they have seen similar giant flying creatures. But the others have had much closer encounters.

Texas Sighting, 1995


The account of the 1995 Brownsville, Texas, sighting starts with a dog that is acting strangely. The eyewitness (11-12-year-old girl) is afraid that her dog is sick, for it was not eating.

“I went outside around late morning . . . I found (the dog) cowering around the side of our house as low as she could get behind a banana tree . . . I heard [a] weird noise that made me turn my head.  In the open backyard next door was what looked like a . . . tall man . . . looking away from me . . . the man turned and I realized that this man didn’t have a face like a man at all!  I froze in fear trying to figure out what I was staring at. . . . I watched . . . black leathery (and almost shimmery like they were wet)  bat-like wings [unwrapped] from around the man . . . I was so scared . . . [it] stared right at me with its large black eyes and walked closer to me (it had been about 40 ft away maybe) . . . it turned its head . . . I realized the shape of its head . . . it somehow looked like a pterodactyl.  I thought that was crazy . . . it turned its head back to me . . . the thing appeared to just lift off the ground . . . gliding . . . I ran into my house and slammed the sliding glass door behind me and caught the shadow of its profile in the window . . .”

I have been trying to reach this eyewitness by phone; I’ve found that phone interviews are helpful in learning details that eyewitnesses do not think to volunteer in their first reports.

Consider cryptozoology books about living pterosaurs, including apparent pterosaurs in California, Texas, Florida, Washington state, Arkansas, Georgia, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York state, Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Kansas, and New Mexico: Live Pterosaurs in America (nonfiction).